
Hyperchain Capital

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Recent investment activity

KANDO id: 566096

Corporate information

Registration country

Company type

Digital assets management company focused on Blockchain based projects and decentralized protocols.

Funding rounds

Actual initial investment stage
N/A (2)
Venture (1)

Investment activity status
Active investor

Selected investments

Displaying 1 - 25 of 45
Profile Country Date Funding
TenX (PAY) Initial Coin Offering
WAX (WAXP) Initial Coin Offering
Tierion Inc Global proof engine. N/A
Storj Labs Inc Distributed, encrypted, and blazing fast object storage, where only you have access to your data. N/A
Tezos Foundation Initial Coin Offering
Stox N/A
Iconomi N/A
Civic Technologies Inc Identity verification and protection tools enabling businesses and individuals to control and protect their identities through the blockchain. N/A
FunFair Technologies Ltd Enterprise and white label blockchain casinos. N/A
CoinDash N/A
Sentinel Protocol N/A Initial investment
Oasis Labs High performance distributed computation platform. N/A
Token Group Ltd (TokenCard), (Monolith) Ethereum-based banking alternative platform. N/A
FANTOM Foundation N/A Initial investment
Eximchain N/A
Qtum Foundation (QTUM), (Quantum) Fondation supporting Qtum – a hybrid blockchain application platform. N/A
Sparrow Exchange (SparrowExchange) Cryptocurrency exchange. N/A
Tomochain N/A
iExec (RLC) Blockchain-based decentralized cloud computing. N/A
WeTrust N/A
Blockchain Capital LLC Venture capital fund with a focus on blockchain enabled technologies. N/A
Matchpool N/A
Open ANX (OAX) N/A N/A
ParaState [] Multi-chain smart contract platform that extends the frontier of Ethereum using the Substrate framework. Venture Initial investment


Employee Position Email
Stelian Balta (founder)
[email protected]

Past employees

Selected Products / Customers
