
Streamlined Ventures
Palo Alto, CA 00000
United States

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Recent investment activity

KANDO id: 427051

Corporate information

Registration country

Company type

Seed stage investment firm.


We are a seed stage investment firm rooted in the belief that the founders of companies are the true heroes of entrepreneurial value creation in our society. We are passionate about working with visionary founders to help them create exceptional companies and help them capture as much of that value for themselves as possible – they deserve it! If we stay true to our beliefs and we are good at what we do, then we will benefit too. Our style of engagement with all our stakeholders focuses on low ego behavior, mutual respect and clarity of thought. We seed invest in visionary founders who are building the next generation of transformational technology companies.

Funds managed

Fund Type Vintage Currency Committed capital
Streamlined Ventures I LP Venture USD 32,435,000
Streamlined Ventures II LP Venture

Funding rounds

Investment preferences

Top investment portfolio themes

Actual initial investment stage
Seed (2)

Investment activity status
Active investor

Selected investments

Displaying 1 - 10 of 10
Profile Country Date Funding
Bolt Ltd End-to-end checkout, payments, and fraud prevention solutions. Series B Initial investment
Bolt Ltd End-to-end checkout, payments, and fraud prevention solutions. Series A Initial investment
Breinify Seed led the round
Mattermark Inc Series A
Oto Analytics Inc (Womply) Provider of front office software for small and medium businesses. Venture Follow-on investment
Oto Analytics Inc (Womply) Provider of front office software for small and medium businesses. Venture
Rappi Inc On-demand delivery startup operating in Latin America. Seed
Rigetti & Co Inc (Rigetti Quantum Computing), (Rigetti Computing) Developer of quantum computing for AI and computational chemistry Series A Initial investment
Rigetti & Co Inc (Rigetti Quantum Computing), (Rigetti Computing) Developer of quantum computing for AI and computational chemistry Seed Initial investment
Wevorce Inc Seed Initial investment

Former team members

Employee Company Position
Lauren Ottinger Coinbase Inc

Selected Products / Customers
