
List of the current and past investors into Drizly Inc with their respective financial instruments.

Profile Country Phone Round
Uber Technologies Inc (Uber) On-demand car service that allows everyone to have a private driver experience through iPhone, SMS, and web based requests. United States +1 (650) 387-5138 Acquisition
Uber Technologies Inc (Uber) On-demand car service that allows everyone to have a private driver experience through iPhone, SMS, and web based requests. United States +1 (415) 986-2104 Acquisition
Uber Technologies Inc (Uber) On-demand car service that allows everyone to have a private driver experience through iPhone, SMS, and web based requests. United States 415-612-8582 Acquisition
Uber Technologies Inc (Uber) On-demand car service that allows everyone to have a private driver experience through iPhone, SMS, and web based requests. United States 650-387-5138 Acquisition
Uber Technologies Inc (Uber) On-demand car service that allows everyone to have a private driver experience through iPhone, SMS, and web based requests. United States (650) 387-5138 Acquisition
Uber Technologies Inc (Uber) On-demand car service that allows everyone to have a private driver experience through iPhone, SMS, and web based requests. United States 415-986-2104 Acquisition