
Nascent Ventures

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KANDO id: 1050996

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Nascent Ventures is an active seed fund that creates and builds high-tech startups based on ground-breaking technologies from Dutch research institutes and universities. Nascent Venture is unique because it sets up the startup company and provides both seed capital and management in one shot. We source high-potential technologies from the rich pool of world-leading physics research in the Netherlands in which more than Euro 350 M is invested per year. We focus specifically on ground-breaking technologies that are able to disrupt existing markets and create new markets.

Funding rounds

Top investment portfolio themes

Actual initial investment stage
Seed (1)

Investment activity status
Active investor

Selected investments

Displaying 1 - 1 of 1
Profile Country Date Sort ascending Funding
Gro London-based decentralized finance startup. Seed Initial investment

Current team

Past employees

Selected Products / Customers
