Deal date

KANDO id: 14395804

Financial Transaction:


Osium AI

United States Dollar
Value in original currency
Value in USD

Round participants

Country Notes

Atomico Angel

Initial investment.

Collaborative Fund

United States Initial investment.

Ebert HERA Esser Holding GmbH

Germany Initial investment.

Kima Ventures

French-based venture capital fund that focuses on strategic investments in early stage technology companies around the world.
France Initial investment.

Raise Phiture SAS

Initial investment.

Sequoia Scout Fund

Initial investment.

Singular Capital Ppartners SAS

(Singular Ventures)
France Initial investment.

Y Combinator

American technology startup accelerator.
United States Initial investment.

Liz Wessel

Individual investor.
Initial investment.

Isaac Oates

Individual investor.
Initial investment.

Julien Chaumond

Individual investor.
Initial investment.

Patrick Joubert

Individual investor.
Initial investment.

Thomas Clozel

Individual investor.
Initial investment.