Mr Eugene P Nesbeda

KANDO id: 42374


Formerly a Managing Director of CITIC Capital Partners, a Shanghai, China based private equity group. As the head of CITIC’s U.S. operations, Mr. Nesbeda managed the firm’s buyout and strategic minority investments in U.S. based middle-market companies seeking access to Asian manufacturing sources and market opportunities. Mr. Nesbeda has over 25 years of operating experience leading global manufacturing and distribution companies. Prior to CITIC he was a corporate officer at General Electric where he served as Vice President of Corporate Development and later as head of GE Plastics’ Structured Products Group with global sales of more than $450 million. Mr. Nesbeda then spent six years in Europe as President of the Plastics Packaging Division of Tetra Pak Group, a $10 billion European based packaging company. In addition, he was a founding member of Strategic Planning Associates (now Oliver Wyman) where he worked for ten years. He graduated with a B.S. from Columbia University School of Engineering and Applied Science and earned an M.B.A. degree, with Distinction, from the Harvard Graduate School of Business Administration.
