
United Kingdom

Open map

KANDO id: 14398204

Corporate information

Official name
Phasecraft Limited
Registration country

Official identities

UK Companies House 11211343

Company type

Quantum computing firm.

Funding rounds

N/A GBP 13,000,000

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Profile Country Notes
Playground Global LLC Initial investment. Led the round.
Albion Ventures LLP Albion Ventures was established to generate long term investment returns through making venture capital investments in smaller companies Initial investment.
Episode 1 Partners Ltd Venture capital firm specialising in early stage investments in technology and information services. Follow-on investment.
London Co-Investment Fund (LCIF) Follow-on investment.
Parkwalk Advisors Ltd Investor in university spin-offs. Follow-on investment.
UCL Technology Fund Follow-on investment.

Investment activity status
Active investor

Current team

Past employees

Selected Products / Customers
