KANDO id: 583036

Corporate information

Official name
TickSmith Corp.

Company type

Financial markets data lake platform.


TickSmith, with its Enterprise Data Web Store, simplifies the online data shopping and distribution experience for data buyers and provides the necessary tools for data producers to connect, package, unify and monetize their data. Currently enabling the world’s leading exchanges and financial institutions to generate new revenue streams and increase their customer base, the Enterprise Data Web Store provides a proven, secure, end-to-end solution that removes the complexities of selling and buying data. By leveraging modern distribution channels, data producers can attract data buyers eager to consume new sources of data on a daily basis. Deployed in a Single-Tenant SaaS model in as fast as 2 weeks, TickSmithʼs out-of-the-box Enterprise Data Web Store is built on a scalable modular platform that can grow with your business.

Funding rounds

Profile Country
Illuminate Financial Management LLP Early-stage enterprise financial technology investor.

Profile Country Notes
CME Ventures LLC The venture capital arm of the CME Group. Initial investment.

Investment activity status
Active investor

Current team

Past employees

Selected Products / Customers
