
Corvallis, OR
United States

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KANDO id: 159869

Corporate information

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Collaborative writing web app, enabling users to easily flow through the steps of writing, editing, and publishing a document with a group


Writewith is a collaborative writing web app, enabling you to easily flow through the steps of writing, editing, and publishing a document with a group. A document is started by uploading an existing document (.doc, .txt, .rdf) or just typing away. After the initial draft is completed, you can invite other editors by email and assign them tasks. Writewith has full version control and even lets you post comments to each other, making it possible to edit together in real time. Currently Writewith is in beta testing with 15 college newspapers including Stanford and two of Canada's largest college papers (which even includes a national newswire).

Funding rounds


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Profile Country Notes
Y Combinator American technology startup accelerator. Initial investment.

Investment activity status
Not investing

Current team

Past employees

Selected Products / Customers
