Investment and technology themes
KANDO id: 6728105

Token information

Also known as


Smart contract

Digital asset type
Community dedicated decentralized VC and multi-chain launchpad.

Allocation details
Segment % Vesting Cliff Notes
Initial reserve 27.50 % Treasury
Liquidity and staking rewards 20.00 %
Token sale 19.50 %
Founding team and employees 13.00 % 2.00 years 1.00 years 1 year cliff and then 8.33% per month
Long-term foundation budget 10.00 % Foundation
Advisors 5.00 % 1.67 years 0.67 years 8 months cliff and then 8.33% per month
Operations reserve 5.00 %

Current team


List of the current and past investors into BullPerks with their respective financial instruments.

Profile Round
Part One Capital Venture capital firm that seeks to invest in Defi, NFTs, projects building on Polkadot and protocols and cryptocurrency sectors. N/A