KANDO id: 4757638

Token information


Smart contract

Digital asset type
Turn base role playing game (RPG) play to earn (P2E) game on Binance Smart Chain.

Allocation details
Segment % Vesting Notes
Game incentives and staking rewards. 37.00 % 0.00 years Lockup until game release. Release on demand.
Founding team and employees 25.00 % 2.00 years Team and advisor
Ecosystem development 12.00 % 2.00 years Foundation
Operations reserve 10.00 % 2.00 years
Private sale 7.00 % 1.00 years
Community grants partnerships and bounties 4.00 % 2.00 years Marrketing. Unlock 10% at TGE. Linear vesting in 2 years.
Liquidity 2.00 % 0.00 years Unlock 100% at TGE.
Private sale 2.00 % 1.50 years Seed sale
Public sale 1.00 % 0.00 years Unlock 100% at TGE.

Current team