KANDO id: 7012849

Corporate information

Official name
Mercaris Inc

Company type

Market-based tools, including data, analysis, and trading, for the sustainable, identity-preserved agricultural sector.


Since 2012, Mercaris has helped its customers capitalize on the growing demand for organic and non-GMO agriculture by providing market access and services tailored to the needs of the identity-preserved agriculture industry. Mercaris focuses its data and products on the organic and non-GMO grains and oilseeds markets across all regions of the United States and Canada. Additionally, through its newly launched dairy initiative, Mercaris hosts quarterly online auctions for certified organic cream which proves to be an effective example of price discovery. Mercaris also operates a trading business that enables buyers and sellers to find new markets and more profitably trade organic and non-GMO commodities. Mercaris provides market-based tools, including data, analysis, and trading, for the sustainable, identity-preserved agricultural sector. Our services help support and foster the growth of agricultural practices that protect and build soil, water, and air quality, as well as protect both human and animal health in the communities in which we work. By fulfilling our mission, we also enable others in the value chain to contribute to broader goals of environmental sustainability and increased access to information in otherwise underserved markets. Mercaris is a Certified B Corporation.

Funding rounds

Profile Country Notes
CME Ventures LLC The venture capital arm of the CME Group. Initial investment.

Investment activity status
Active investor

Current team

Past employees

Selected Products / Customers
