Corporate information

Official name
WeatherXM AG
Registration country

Company type

Hyperlocal weather data provider.


WeatherXM is a community powered weather network, that rewards weather station owners and provides accurate weather services to individuals, businesses and research organizations.

Funding rounds

Series A USD 7,700,000

USD 7,700,000 ( )

Profile Country Notes
Lightspeed Management Co LLC (Lightspeed Venture Partners), (LSVP) Multi-stage venture capital firm focused on accelerating disruptive innovations and trends in the enterprise and consumer sectors. Initial investment. Led the round. (Investment through Lightspeed Faction.)
Alumni Ventures Group LLC (AVG) Initial investment.
Arca Institutional grade financial services firm building products utilizing and investing in digital assets. Initial investment.
Borderless Capital Initial investment.
ConsenSys Mesh (Incubator and investor focused on blockchain ventures and digital assets.) Initial investment.
Dlab SOSV's venture studio exploring new topics in decentralization and blockchain technology. Initial investment.
GS Futures Early stage venture fund tackling hard problems, supported by the GS Group. Initial investment.
Metaplanet Holdings OÜ Early-stage investment firm making long-term bets on contrarians and leveraging the knowledge and network across sectors. Initial investment.
Placeholder Capital (Placeholder Ventures), (Placeholder VC) Venture capital firm that invests in decentralized protocols and web3 services. Initial investment.
Protocol Labs Inc Open-source research and development lab that builds protocols, tools, and services to radically improve the internet, including Filecoin and IPFS. Initial investment.
Red Beard Ventures Initial investment.
Westerly Ventures Initial investment.

Investment activity status
Active investor

Current team

Past employees

Selected Products / Customers
