
Multicoin Capital
701 Brazos
Suite 1616
Ausin, TX 78701
United States

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Recent investment activity

KANDO id: 565681

Corporate information

Registration country

Company type

Thesis-driven investment firm that invests in cryptocurrencies, tokens, and blockchain companies.


Multicoin Capital is an Austin Texas based firm run by managing partners Kyle Samani and Tushar Jain, both of who have become thought leaders in the crypto ecosystem. Multicoin produces industry leading technical research and uses their proprietary research methods to yield a concentrated portfolio of digital assets.

Multicoin Capital is a thesis-driven investment firm that invests in cryptocurrencies, tokens, and blockchain companies. As crypto networks and companies will create trillions of dollars of value over the next decade, a new way to invest is emerging. New tools, heuristics, and security measures are needed to responsibly invest in this ecosystem. We leverage our deep understanding of blockchain technology and crypto markets to deliver exceptional returns.

Funding rounds

Actual initial investment stage
N/A (38)
Seed (4)

Investment activity status
Active investor

Selected investments

Displaying 51 - 51 of 51
Trade sale
Profile Country Date Funding
Solscan Solana block explorer Seed Initial investment led the round Exited Trade sale

Current team

Past employees

Selected Products / Customers
