

QC Ware Corp
125 University Avenue
Suite 260
Palo Alto, CA 94301
United States

Open map

QC Ware Corp
2225 E. Bayshore Rd
Suite 200
Palo Alto, CA 94303
United States

Open map

KANDO id: 7398790

Corporate information

Official name
QC Ware Corp
Registration country

Official identities

US CIK 0001745160

Company type

Quantum and classical computing software and services company focused on delivering enterprise value through cutting edge computational technology.


QC Ware is a quantum and classical computing software and services company focused on delivering enterprise value through cutting edge computational technology. With specialization in machine learning and chemistry simulation applications, QC Ware develops for both near-term quantum and state-of-the-art classical computing hardware. QC Ware's team is composed of some of the industry's foremost experts in quantum and classical computing. QC Ware is headquartered in Palo Alto, California, and supports its European customers through its subsidiary in Paris and customers in Asia through its business development office in Tokyo, Japan. QC Ware also organizes Q2B, a global series of conferences for industry, practitioner, and academic quantum computing communities.

Funding rounds

Series B USD 25,000,000

USD 25,000,000 ( )

Profile Country Notes
Covestro AG Initial investment. Led the round.
Koch Disruptive Technologies (KDT) Initial investment. Led the round.
Samsung Venture Investment Corp Initial investment.
Citigroup Inc A bank holding company Follow-on investment.
DE Shaw & Co LP (D E Shaw & Co) Follow-on investment.
Pegasus Tech Ventures Follow-on investment.

Investment activity status
Active investor

Current team

Past employees

Selected Products / Customers
