KANDO id: 14394576

Corporate information

Company type

Decentralised social media protocol.

Funding rounds

N/A USD 150,000,000

USD 150,000,000 ( )

Profile Country Notes
Haun Ventures Management LP Initial investment.
Paradigm Crypto Fund Cryptocurrency investment fund. Initial investment.
Standard Crypto Management LP Venture capital firm with company-building experience and deep-rooted expertise in crypto. Initial investment.
Union Square Ventures LLC Early stage venture capital firm Initial investment.
Variant Fund Early-stage venture firm investing in crypto networks & platforms building The Ownership Economy. Initial investment.
a16zcrypto The blockchain-focused investment arm of Andreessen Horowitz. Follow-on investment.

Profile Country Notes
a16zcrypto The blockchain-focused investment arm of Andreessen Horowitz. Initial investment.

Investment activity status
Active investor

Current team

Past employees

Selected Products / Customers
