KANDO id: 6853742

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List of the current and past investors into TenX with their respective financial instruments.

Profile Country Phone Round
Alexis Berthoud Individual investor. Initial Coin Offering
Chain Capital Digital fund focusing on the investment of blockchain head project and the management of professional digital assets. Initial Coin Offering
Connor Benoit-Milner Individual investor. Initial Coin Offering
Fenbushi Capital (分布式资本) China-based venture capital firm that exclusively invests in Blockchain-enabled companies. China N/A
Hyperchain Capital Digital assets management company focused on Blockchain based projects and decentralized protocols. Singapore Initial Coin Offering
Kenetic Capital Venture capital fund investing in equity of Series A / B blockchain technology companies. Hong Kong SAR China +852 3890-7000 Initial Coin Offering
Signum Capital Management Pte Ltd Investment firm focused on distributed ledger technologies and crypto assets. Singapore Initial Coin Offering